If you need extra cash to furnish your home, give the best education to plan a perfect wedding or are looking to buy a much desired gadget, you don’t have to wait to realize your dreams. Just apply for Silkbank Personal Loan to make your dreams come true because “Apnon kay liye kuch bhi”. It’s fast flexible and convenient.
Silk Bank Car Finance Loan
Silk Bank Home Finance Loan
Silk Bank Personal Loan
Silk Bank Business Loan
Suitable for people who:
Have one time borrowing need Want the peace of mind through monthly payments
SILKBANK Personal Loan Benefits
Loan amount up to Rs. 2 million
Flexible tenures of 1-5 years
No security, no collateral Top-up facility Balance funds transfer option Pre & Partial payment option available
Pakistani residents Foreign nationals with approved company guarantee
Salaried individuals
Age: 21-65 years
Income: minimum Rs. 40,000/- monthly
Offered in major cities of Pakistan:
Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Hyderabad, Peshawar, Multan & Faisalabad.
List of Silk Bank Emaan Islamic Branches Click Here
List of Silk Bank Branches Click Here
SILKBANK Personal loan Purpose:
1. You need a one-time loan
2. You want the peace of mind of monthly payments
SILKBANK Personal loan Features and benefits
1. Loan amount up to Rs. 2 million
2. Flexible tenure from 1 to 5 years
3. No security, no guarantee
4. Ease of backup
5. Balance funds transfer option
6. Pre and partial payment option available
7. Monthly installments with prepayment and partial payment facility
SILKBANK Personal loan Eligibility
1. Pakistani residents
2. Foreign nationals with approved company guarantee
3. Salaried individuals
4. Age: 21-65 years
5. Income: minimum Rs. 40,000/- monthly
6. Offered in major cities of Pakistan: Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Hyderabad, Peshawar, Multan & Faisalabad
Click on the link to explore EMI calculator: https://www.silkbank.com.pk/emi
How to Apply for a SILKBANK Personal loan?
Email at personal.loan@silkbank.com.pk or visit you’re nearest Silkbank Branch, To apply for Silkbank Personal Loan,
Apply Online: Click on the link to apply online: https://www.silkbank.com.pk/olg
SILKBANK Contact Information:
You can reach our Silkbank phone bank 24 hours a day at 021-111-100-777. If calling from outside Pakistan, dial + 92-21-35205565
How do I have to re-pay my Silk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online?
You have to deposit the monthly installment in your re-payment Irrevocable Standing Instructions (ISI) a/c on or before the due date.
What if I pay my Silk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online monthly installment late?
Late payment charges up to Rs. 1,200/- per missed installment will be applicable.
Can I increase my Loan limit?
Yes, you can apply for Loan limit enhancement.
Is there any charge related to this facility?
An enhancement fee of Rs 5,000 or 1% of the top-up amount (whichever is higher) plus 16% FED is charged subject to loan approval.
Will it increase my monthly installment?
You can reduce your monthly loan installment by increasing the tenor of the loan. (Upto maximum of 5 years)
Where is this loan offered?
It is offered in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, & Islamabad.
What is Silk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online?
Silk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online Installment Loan can be used for meeting any needs except for subscription in an Initial Public Offering (IPO). You can also transfer your outstanding loans at other banks to Silk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online and can even get cash top-up with same monthly installment.
Is there any security required for obtaining Silk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online?
No. This loan is unsecured.
What type of loan is this?
It is term finance. You have to repay it back in equal monthly installments.
What is the tenor of the Silk bank?
From 1 year to a maximum of 5 years.
Do I have to pay the first installment upfront?
No. The first installment will be due after a month of disbursal of your Personal Installment Loan.
Am I eligible to apply for Silk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online?
You are eligible to apply for Silkbank Personal Installment Loan if you are a salaried individual and meet the minimum criteria.
Do I have to be of a certain age to be eligible for SSilk bank Personal Loan Free apply Online?
21 years to 65 years or verified retirement age (whichever is earlier at loan maturity).
The maximum age would be 62 years if retirement age could not be verified.
What should be my minimum monthly salary to qualify?
For Salaried: PKR 40,000/-
What is the debt burden requirement for Silkbank Personal Loan?
50% aggregate debt burden (DB) as per SBP.
In how many days my case will be processed?
Your case will be processed in 10 days’ time from the date all documents have been
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