How to apply for a UK visa in 2024 if you are from Pakistan? If that is what you want, you have come to the right place. This is a full guide on how to get a UK visa in Pakistan, including what you need and how to do it. Once upon a time, a Pakistani citizen did not need a visa to go to the UK. But now, if you want to visit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, you need to apply for a UK visa.

Thousands of Pakistanis apply for a UK visitor visa every year and they face many hurdles in getting it. So, in this article, we will discuss all the relevant information regarding documentation and visa requirements for UK visas in Pakistan.
How to Apply for UK Visa from Pakistan?
The process for getting a UK visitor visa is done online. First, we have to create an account by logging in to the official website of UK Immigration. Then, we have to fill out the visa application form and include all of the information that is asked for. After we submit the form and pay the visa fee (estimated at 24,500 PKR) for a standard 6-month visa, we have to print the form and bring it to Gerry’s office with all of the required documents.
Once you have filled out the visa application form, print it out and bring it to Gerry’s Visa Application Center to hand-deliver it. The cities of Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad are where these hubs are.
UK Visa Application Centers in Pakistan

In order to send in your visa application, you will need to make an appointment on Gerry’s website. You can do this by going to Gerry’s website and making an appointment to apply for a UK visa.
Documents Required For UK Visit Visa from Pakistan
- Original valid passport
- Photocopies of all pages with visa and stamp
- 2 passport size pictures
- CNIC copy (valid)
- Family registration certificate(FRC)
- Bank statement for the last six months
- Bank maintenance certificate
- Covering letter with detailed itinerary
- Employment letter (if job) Or Business Document
- Salary slip for last three months
- Online income proof (I submitted this, you do not need to)
- Property document (if you have one)
- Flight reservation(optional)
- Hotel reservation(optional)
- Tax return of last three months
- NTN certificate
If someone is asking you to the UK on a visitor visa, you should also have a copy of the sponsor’s passport and a bank statement from the last six months.
Also Check: How to Apply for a US visa from Pakistan
My UK Visa Tips for Pakistani Citizens
When you apply for a visa, you should always tell the truth. In the cover note, you should explain why you are going to the UK, along with the dates and places.
Paychecks and bank statements should match up, which means they should not show any discrepancies. This is very important if you want a UK visa because they check your income and compare it to your bank account and how much you plan to spend in the UK. They act like lawyers and companies that do audits.
If any big deals were made in the last six months, there should be proof and an explanation. Do not make your bank account hard to understand. Instead, keep it simple and easy for the visa officer to read. They look into every part of the claimed income.
A Schengen visa in Pakistan and a US visa in Pakistan are different from a UK visa. Because they do not look at your bank account that closely for a Schengen visa. In Pakistan, getting a US visa is mostly based on your conversation and the answers you give on the form. But the process for getting a visa for the UK is very different. They look at your bank account like an accounting company.
The amount in the account should be enough to cover all of the trip’s costs and leave the same amount in the account. It is kind of like spending half of your funds on the trip and saving the other half for later. No problem if you have more money.
Show the office as much as you can about your home life, such as if you are married or have a job, a business, etc. You can also show where you have been before, which will help you get a UK tourist visa.
Hotels can be reserved through trusted websites like Agoda, which do not charge you until your ticket is confirmed. can also be used to book hotel rooms.
If you are staying at someone’s house, you should tell the consulate everything about the house, from the address to the number of bedrooms. Accommodation is important to consulates. They should send you a letter inviting you and write everything down.
What are the Reasons for which UK Visa Can be Rejected in Pakistan?
When you apply for a UK visa for the first time with a Pakistani passport, you have to be honest and show that you have strong ties to your home country and a strong financial background. You also have to convince the visa officer that you will come back on time from your trip to the UK.
If your financial statements and trip plans do not match up, there is a good chance that the visa will be denied. If you have a Pakistani passport, you have a good chance of getting a UK visa if you have a clear trip plan, a clear bank statement, and are consistent in all of your statements. If not, you can hire me for 30 minutes to help you get a UK visa and I will give you the best advice I can.
Processing Time of UK Visa in Pakistan
Due to the delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the visa process usually takes between 20 and 40 days. You can apply for a 6-month visitor’s visa, a 1-year visitor’s visa, a 2-year visitor’s visa, a 5-year visitor’s visa, or a 10-year visitor’s visa. Each of these has a different fee, which you can find on the website of the UK government.
Once your visa is accepted, you can travel all over the United Kingdom, including England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, Jersey, and the Isle of Man.
How Many Other Countries You Can Visit with UK Visa?
With a legal UK visa, you can also go to many other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Turkey (if you have an evisa), Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Georgia, and Panama. So, keep your UK visa safe and do not use it to make your future more secure.
To wrap up my post, I had to say that a UK visa is one of the easiest visas to get with a Pakistani card if you understand how it works. When I first tried to get this visa, I made a lot of mistakes. Once I found out how they look at visa applications, it was easy to get a UK visa on a Pakistani card. So, be honest with yourself and the visa office, and enjoy your trip to THE UNITED KINGDOM of Great Britain and Northern.