Government of Ireland Scholarships 2024 by Irish Research Council

Government of Ireland Scholarships 2024 by Irish Research Council – Are you a student who dreams of studying in Ireland? Do you want to pursue higher education but are worried about the financial burden it may bring? Worry no more because the Irish Research Council has recently announced Government of Ireland Scholarships for 2024, which can cover your tuition fees and living expenses. As one of the leading research funding agencies in Ireland, the Irish Research Council aims to support outstanding scholars from around the world by providing these prestigious scholarships. Keep reading to know more about this exciting opportunity.

Government of Ireland Scholarships Irish Research Council
Government of Ireland Scholarships Irish Research Council

What is Irish Research Council?

The Irish Research Council is a government-funded organization that promotes and supports research across all disciplines in Ireland. Established in 2012, the council works towards creating knowledge through research excellence, collaborating with various academic institutions in the country.

The organization provides funding for researchers at different stages of their careers, ranging from early-career to advanced-level researchers. It also aims to encourage interdisciplinary research projects that address societal challenges and promote innovation.

One significant role played by the council is its management of national competitive funding schemes such as Government of Ireland Scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to outstanding scholars who wish to pursue postgraduate or postdoctoral studies in any discipline at an eligible institution based in Ireland.

The Irish Research Council plays a crucial role not only in advancing cutting-edge research but also cultivating new talent within academia and industry.

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What are Requirements for Government of Ireland Scholarships?

To be eligible for the Government of Ireland Scholarships, candidates must meet specific requirements. They must hold a bachelor’s degree with first-class or upper second-class honors from an approved university. Alternatively, applicants can have a master’s degree qualification.

Also, candidates must submit proof of proficiency in English such as IELTS or TOEFL scores if primary language is not English. Applicants should also identify and secure support from a potential supervisor who will work with them during the research project.

Also, individuals applying for doctoral programs under the scholarship should provide evidence of previous research experience through peer-reviewed publications or other scholarly outputs.

It is essential to note that selection criteria may vary depending on the chosen program and field of study. So it is important to thoroughly understand all requirements before submitting your application.

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What are Benefits of Scholarships?

The Government of Ireland Scholarships, offered by the Irish Research Council, provide a range of benefits for successful applicants. Recipients will receive financial support to cover tuition fees and living expenses during their studies in Ireland. This financial assistance can greatly reduce the burden on students who may have limited resources available.

Also to financial support, scholars will gain access to world-class research facilities and mentorship from leading academics in the field. This can be invaluable for those seeking to advance knowledge and skills within a particular area of study.

Also, being awarded a Government of Ireland Scholarship is an exceptional achievement that can enhance your future career prospects both nationally and internationally. Recipients become part of an esteemed network of scholars who are recognized as leaders in their respective fields.

Studying in Ireland offers the opportunity for personal growth through exposure to new cultures and experiences. Scholars can immerse themselves in all that Ireland has to offer while pursuing academic excellence with the support of one of Europe’s best research councils behind them.

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Ireland Government Scholarships 2024 Sponsorships:

So all international lucky students winning an Irish Government Scholarship would enable themselves of receiving the following set of scholarship packages:

  • Free of cost education in Irish Universities for up to €5,750 per anum
  • Annually paid stipend money of around €18,500
  • Annual funding for conducting research work for up to €3,250

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What Other Benefits Can You Avail of With Ireland Scholarships?

Irish Scholarship will reflect Ireland’s commitment to excellence in the provision of higher education for both domestic and international students:

  • for scholarships that will highlight Ireland’s strengths as a center of international education;
  • to promote links with target markets globally;
  • to strengthen the internationalization strategies of HEIs, especially in the context of the system performance framework.

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How to Apply for Scholarships?

Applying for the Government of Ireland Scholarships through the Irish Research Council is a straightforward process, but it still requires some preparation and attention to detail. Here are some steps to follow when applying for these prestigious scholarships.

Check the eligibility criteria carefully to ensure that you meet all the requirements. This includes academic qualifications, research experience, language proficiency, and other specific criteria depending on your chosen field of study.

Identify potential supervisors or institutions where you would like to conduct your research project. Contact them in advance to discuss your proposal and seek support with your application.

Prepare a well-crafted research proposal that showcases your skills, creativity, and passion for your chosen topic. Make sure it aligns with the strategic priorities of the Irish Research Council and has clear objectives, methods, and expected outcomes.

Gather all supporting documents including transcripts of previous degrees obtained or in progress, and references from academic mentors or employers highlighting your achievements and potential as a researcher.

Submit an online application form through the IRC website by following the instructions provided there. Remember to proofread everything before submitting so that no errors can hinder processing time.

By following these steps diligently while keeping yourself informed about deadlines etc., you will have a strong chance at securing one of these highly competitive scholarships.

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Method to Apply for the Irish Government Scholarships 2024:

Applicants will need to apply for admission to a relevant Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. program offered by an eligible Higher Education Institution. Applicants are requested to submit an online application for Irish Government Scholarship whereas, the corresponding supervisors of those applicants would also be required to submit a letter of acceptance for their applicants. Both applications would be required online on the Ireland Government Scholarships portal. (Links are available at the end of this article).

The Ireland Scholarships program is managed by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills. Following a competitive process based on an annual call for proposals from individual applicants, the HEA will approve a defined number of scholarships under the scheme for successful applicants.

Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships will be awarded to high-caliber students from non-EU/EEA countries to study full-time in Ireland for one year. The following are the terms and conditions that will apply:

  • In the final year of an undergraduate program;
  • One year of a taught master’s degree program or;
  • One year of a research program (i.e. one year of 2-year research master’s or a 3-4-year Ph.D. program).
  • The scholarship stipend will be transferred to the host higher education institution (HEI) of the successful student and forwarded by that HEI to the scholar in two payments of €5,000.
  • The HEI will be required to give a FULL fee waiver to the student for the scholarship year (i.e. tuition fee and registration charge are waived). This is the minimum matching funding requirement that institutions will be
    required to make the scholarship scheme.
  • It is expected that a total of 60 scholarships will be funded by the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships for the academic year 2023/2024.
  • Applicants must have a domiciliary of origin1 not equal to the EU/EEA or Switzerland
  • Scholarships may be approved for study across all disciplines, subject to the availability of places.
  • Due to the very large number of Ireland Scholarship applications, it will not be possible to give feedback to unsuccessful candidates.

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Application Deadline: Irish Government Scholarship:

International students can submit a complete application for Ireland Government Scholarship till June 21, 2023, for the class of 2024-2025.

Start of Irish Scholarship ApplicationsMarch 1, 2023
Preliminary Application DeadlineJune 21, 2023
Application Submission DeadlineJune 28, 2023
Deadline for SupervisorJune 28, 2023
Deadline for Research Office EndorsementJune 28, 2023
Interview CallQ4 2023
Scholarship Awarding DateQ4, 2023

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As we come to the end of this article on Government of Ireland Scholarships by Irish Research Council, it is worth emphasizing the significance of these opportunities for students and researchers alike. The scholarships are highly competitive but offer a great deal in terms of financial support and professional development.

It is important to note that these scholarships are not only about providing funding but also about supporting innovative research ideas and projects that could have a significant impact on society. By investing in talented individuals, both domestic and international, the Irish government is positioning itself at the forefront of cutting-edge research across various fields.

While applying for these scholarships might seem daunting, it is crucial to remember that there are resources available to guide you through the process. Make sure you take advantage of them as much as possible while keeping an eye on upcoming application deadlines.

If you are looking for an opportunity to advance your academic career or conduct meaningful research in Ireland – look no further than Government of Ireland Scholarships by Irish Research Council.

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FAQs – Government of Ireland Scholarships by Irish Research Council

Who can apply for the Government of Ireland Scholarships by Irish Research Council?

The scholarships are open to students worldwide who wish to pursue a research-based masters or PhD in any discipline at eligible higher education institutions in Ireland.

What is the deadline for applications?

The deadline varies depending on the programme and institution, but it usually falls around November-December each year.

How many scholarships are available?

It depends on funding availability, but typically around 200 scholarships are awarded each year.

Can I apply for more than one scholarship programme?

You can only apply for one scholarship per academic year, so make sure you choose the most relevant and suitable one for your research project.

What is the selection process like?

Applications go through a rigorous review process based on academic merit, research proposal quality and relevance, as well as personal achievements and motivations. Shortlisted candidates may be invited to an interview or presentation before final decisions are made.

Are there any restrictions on how I use the scholarship funds?

The funds cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other research-related costs such as travel or conference participation fees. You will need to provide regular progress reports and comply with all conditions set by your institution and/or Irish Research Council during your study period.

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