Do You Need Insurance To Register A Car

Do You Need Insurance to Register Your Car?: It is necessary to be insured as a driver to be able to register your car and operate legally on public roads across the majority of states. Eight states in the U.S. do not require car insurance before registration.

In most states, you possess a valid and current auto insurance policy before being able to apply for registration of your vehicle. There are 42 states in the United States and Washington, D.C., and you must have proof of insurance before you can apply for registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

No matter if you just bought an automobile or relocated to a new location It is essential to have an insurance policy for your car in place before you start the process of registration of your car.


There are only Arizona, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin that do not require insurance for cars when you register your vehicle. New Hampshire and Virginia do not require drivers to have an insurance policy, but they strongly recommend that you purchase insurance.

How Long Does It Take to Get Car Insurance?

Table of Contents

  1. Vehicle Registration: Do You Need Proof of Insurance?
  2. What Is Proof of Insurance?
  3. FAQs About Vehicle Registration

Key Takeaways

Forty-two states and Washington, D.C., require you to have a current and valid car insurance policy in place that meets your state’s required coverages to register your vehicle.

In Arizona, Mississippi, North Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, and Wisconsin, you can register your vehicle without presenting proof of insurance. However, you are required to have at least a minimum liability car insurance policy in place before driving.

Many states use an electronic insurance verification system to identify uninsured drivers. If the system tags you as uninsured, you won not be able to register your vehicle in that state.

Do You Need Proof of Insurance to Register a Vehicle?

The majority of states require proof of insurance before being able to sign up for your vehicle. You must have a valid and current car insurance policy that is in line with the requirements of your state before registering your car.

States That Require Proof of Insurance for Car Registration

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

42 states and Washington, D.C., require you to carry an insurance policy on your vehicle that complies with the minimum coverages required by your state for registration of your car.

Many states have an online insurance verification system to verify the insurance status of a driver. If the system identifies the driver as not insured and you are not insured, you won not be allowed to register your vehicle in the state you reside in.

This system of electronic technology also stops you from rescinding your vehicle insurance following a successful registration without penalty. If you decide to stop your insurance in your state, the State’s DMV will be informed, and your registration could be canceled.

You can register your car without insurance coverage for Arizona, Mississippi, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. However, the majority of states require that you be insured within a certain time after registration. Virginia, as well as New Hampshire, are the exceptions.

Other Requirements for Vehicle Registration

To register your vehicle You will probably require:

  • Driver’s license or another form of identification
  • Insurance proof
  • Car title or the signed lease agreement
  • Application for registration of a vehicle
  • Payment of registration fees

There are different requirements for states, which means you may need additional documents depending on the state you reside in. Make sure you check the official website of the state’s DMV to determine the requirements before heading into their offices.

States That Do Not Require Proof of Insurance Upon Registration

If you live within Arizona, Mississippi, North Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, or Wisconsin You do not have to present evidence of insurance to register your vehicle. However, it is necessary to be insured for your car before driving.

All across the U.S., only New Hampshire does not have a compulsory car insurance requirement for motorists. You can identify your vehicle and travel on public roads without an active insurance policy. However, the DMV of the state strongly suggests and encourages motorists to have standard liability insurance and insurance for property damages.

Virginia is not a state that requires insurance however, drivers are required to pay a $500 Uninsured Motor Vehicle (UMV) cost if they do not have insurance.

Registering Your Vehicle Without Insurance

Typically, you are not able to register your car without insurance. If you are not in one of the eight states listed above the proof of insurance is required for the registration of a vehicle.

All over the world, except in New Hampshire and Virginia, you are required to carry car insurance before you can legally drive. In the event of a lapsed or uninsured driver, insurance can lead to legal and financial problems.

Here are a few potential risks and consequences of driving with no active car insurance policy:

Based on the location you reside in depending on where you live, you could be fined $5-$5,000 if you drive without insurance.

  • The suspension of driver’s license.
  • Jail time.
  • Increased rates for insurance.

In the case of an accident, you can pay out-of-pocket for personal or property damage.

What Is Proof of Insurance?

Insurance proof is proof that you are the owner of a current, valid auto insurance policy that is compliant with the minimum requirements of your state’s minimum insurance coverages.

Every state, except New Hampshire and Virginia, requires automobile insurance before drivers can legally use the public roads. This is a requirement that assists drivers in paying for personal and property damages as well as injuries sustained in an accident.

Apart from the DMV, The local police can request proof of your insurance if you are stopped. It is also possible to show evidence of insurance when applying for a new insurance policy.

How to Obtain Proof of Insurance

Insurance companies typically issue proof of insurance right after the initial premium payments. They can send it by post, fax, or an insurance card that is electronically generated.

Some insurance companies permit users to access their insurance ID using the use of a mobile application. They can also send you a digital copy of your insurance card that you can access via your phone. They are a convenient option to will ensure that you do not lose your insurance card.

If you are unable to locate the insurance ID card you have, the majority of insurance companies allow access to accounts online. Through their site, you will be able to download and print a new insurance ID. In addition, you can call your agent to ask for the new ID in the mail.

FAQs About Vehicle Registration

The process of registering your car does not have to be arduous. MoneyGeek has answered a few of the most frequently asked questions regarding the registration of vehicles to make registration more simple.

Do you require insurance to register your vehicle?

In many states, you have to provide proof of insurance to register your vehicle.

What will happen when I allow my insurance to expire?

If you do not get coverage before the time your insurance expires the license could be suspended and your rates will likely rise and you will be required to pay out from your pocket any damage caused by an accident.

Which states permit you to sign up for a vehicle without evidence of insurance?

Within Arizona, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin you can make a registration for a car with no evidence of insurance.

Do you have to register an automobile to be insured?

You do not have to register your car for insurance. MoneyGeek suggests that you purchase insurance for your car immediately as you will need insurance for registering it in the majority of states.

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